Benefits of Service Worker

Hi Everyone,
I have given an introduction about Service worker and PWA in my before the previous blog. If you would like to go back to that you can refer through this link. Service Worker
1. Push Notifications
Push Notifications are used to alert the user about something. Those are displayed as an icon and a few lines of text to the user. Then the user can click and open the specific destination and view.

2. Offline
Users can access the web pages in offline mode.
3. Load Balancing
The service worker is considered as a load balancer.

Load balancing refers to the process of distributing network or application traffic across multiple servers. Load balancers are in between clients and server and getting clients requests and passing to an available server.
4. Background Synchronization
This makes it great for ensuring that whatever the user wants to send, is actually sent. The user can go offline and even close the browser, safe in the knowledge that their request will be sent when they regain connectivity.
5. Geo-fencing
Geo-fences will detect when someone comes in or leaves the given region.
Geofences applications :
- Security: some geofences are set up to monitor secured areas and allow management to get alerts when anyone enters or leaves the area.
- Social Networking: Most of the social networking apps shows nearby places when we use location.
- Marketing: It’s helpful to provide ads as a notification to customers when they entered a specific location.
- Human Resources: Most of the companies monitor their employees who are working in fieldwork.
Thank you All! I hope you all get some idea about service worker usages.
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